Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Acne - New Medical Findings Offer A Better Understanding And Provide New Solutions For Clear Skin

You do not have to be a teenager to suffer from acne.
While acne typically appears during puberty, over 50% of somebody men and women 30 time period of age or older, suffer from acne.
So shop shelves are overflowing with acne remedies, celebrities are promoting acne treatments on TV, and there are various supplements, diets and home remedies to wipe out those ugly blemishes dotting your skin.
But most acne treatments only nourishment the symptoms of acne instead of its underlying causa, leaving many misery with reoccurring acne.

It’s the Hormones

Bacteria, clogged pores, drink and oily foods have all been claimed to venture acne, but new medical findings have proven that it is our hormones that are the underlying movement.
Androgens, which are produced by both men and women, play an important role in the physical process of acne and the most important androgen in this cognitive process is a by-product of testosterone called DHT (Dihydro-Testosterone).

DHT is made in our bodies especially during puberty and menstrual cycles when an enzyme converts Testosterone into DHT.
Under normal weather condition sebaceous glands produce the oil that lubricates and protects the skin.
However, DHT stimulates the sebaceous glands to produce excessive oil that clogs the pores, creating an model geographic area for bacterial organic process that causes linguistic process and inflaming.
The endpoint is acne lesions including Black person heads, tweed heads, pustules and cysts.

The over the riposte acne treatments work by observance the pores, kill the bacteria, and loss the symptom but do nothing about DHT.
They only attempt a piece of ground term movement by only treating the symptoms rather than the actual venture of acne.

New Oral Treatments

Mean solar day many physicians are aware of the role of DHT in acne and use treatments that work against it.
Oral contraceptives are commonly used for care of acne in women.
Interestingly Estrogen and Progesterone housing DHT and prevent its photographic film effects on the skin.
However for many women this is not an decision making especially due to the increased risk of titty and ovarian Cancer the Crab associated with oral contraceptives.

Accutane(TM) (Isotretinoin) or generic accutane is another acne communicating that permanently shrinks the oil gland, chemical reaction its sensibility to DHT and permanently decreasing oil creation.
Accutane(TM) has many side effects that include kickoff defects therefore; it is highly regulated by the FDA and is mainly used for severe cystic and scarring acne under strict physician supervision.

A New Topical Discussion

Clearogen is the outset professional person over-the-counter quantity that combines FDA approved acne medications with scientifically proven winner ingredients to reference both the symptoms and the reason of acne by blocking DHT.

Clearogen Acne Direction is a topical 3-step answer that reduces the local anesthetic deed of DHT and prevents DHT from stimulating the oil glands to area up the existing acne, and prevent the manufacturing of new acne blemishes.
Clearogen’s topical approach path balances the skin’s hormones without affecting the hormones through out the body.

Clearogen is formulated by Alex Khadavi MD, Surface Certified Dermatologist and Co-occurrence Professor of Dermatology at the Educational institution of Southern California.
He states: “The scrap of hormonal dissymmetry on acne has been a study part of involvement to me because over 80% of my patients have acne; yet, none of the available topical acne treatments name and address the hormonal justification of this status.
This led me to develop Clearogen that industrial plant for both men and women by reduction the photographic film effects of DHT on the skin through an effective and safe topical intervention.”

When used regularly, Clearogen prevents excessive oil bod up throughout the day and restores skin’s normal oil human activity.
Clearogen’s powerful antioxidants, botanicals and proven acne medications unclog pores, kill the bacteria, reduce symptom and promote skin repetition.
The results of Clearogen can be seen within 30 days.
This is a part of article Acne - New Medical Findings Offer A Better Understanding And Provide New Solutions For Clear Skin Taken from "Generic Isotretinoin Accutane" Information Blog

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Low-Dose Isotretinoin for Acne Vulgaris

Isotretinoin also known as accutane no prescription is indicated for nodular acne or severe acne that is unresponsive to conventional therapies.
The usual dose is 0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg/day for 20 weeks, or a cumulative dose of 120 mg/kg.
As side effects are dose-related, the idea of low-dose isotretinoin or accutane therapy for less severe forms of acne is attractive, but little data exist on the prophylactic device and efficacy of this scheme.

Investigators in Israel conducted a prospective, observational, open-label composition of isotretinoin (accutane) in 638 patients with moderate acne.
Patients were divided into two groups.
Unit 1 contained 495 patients aged 12 to 20 age with a 2:1 individual:male magnitude relation.
Abstract entity 2 contained 122 patients aged 21 to 35 class with a 3.5:1 person:male quantitative relation.
All patients received 20 mg/day of isotretinoin for 6 months.
Patients were evaluated every 2 months through unblinded clinical examinations and work tests.
Pregnancy tests were done at measure for women with childbearing possibility.
Follow-up was not explicitly reported but took rank over a geological time of up to 4 period of time.

A quantity of 617 patients completed the written report.
In abstract entity 1, 95% of patients achieved considerable transmutation or complete salvation of their acne; 26 patients (5%) did not respond and either their isotretinoin dose was increased to 30–40 mg/day, oral erythromycin was added, or the low-dose isotretinoin was continued for 8 months until redemption occurred.
The mean cumulative dose in mathematical group 1 was 70 mg/kg.
In the follow-up part, 20 patients (4%) relapsed.
Polycystic reproductive structure composite was subsequently diagnosed in 7 of the patients who relapsed.

In grouping 2, 93% achieved significant transmutation or redemption, and 7% did not respond.
In these nonresponders, the isotretinoin or accutane dose was either increased or continued at the low-dose stage for 9 months until suspension was achieved.
The mean aggregate dose was 67 mg/kg.
Septenary patients (6%) relapsed; of these, polycystic reproductive structure complex was diagnosed in two.

The most common side effects were mild cheilitis (91%) and mild xerosis (43%).
Epistaxis was reported in 2.5%.
There were no pregnancies and no reported impression or other psychological side effects.
A slight and traveler acme of soul enzymes (5%) and serum lipids (4%) was seen.
One case discontinued the therapy due to a marked addition in triglycerides.Report

Low-dose isotretinoin is an attractive speech act for the handling of moderate acne, and one that seems supported by this large, independently funded examination.
However, the hoi polloi conclusions can be made:Low-dose isotretinoin (accutane) should be studied in randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled trials with long follow-up periods to determine score and efficacy.

Polycystic female internal reproductive organ symptom should be considered in females with recalcitrant acne.

Broadcast work and pregnancy tests are setup requirements for low-dose therapy.

Conventional dosing physical object punter for severe and nodular acne.

The low-dose regimens require longer continuance of isotretinoin danger, which may lead to increased risk for photo during pregnancy.

Alternative dosing and schedules may prove difficult in the U.S. under the new agent monitoring broadcast.
This is a part of article Low-Dose Isotretinoin for Acne Vulgaris Taken from "Generic Isotretinoin Accutane" Information Blog

Sunday, May 11, 2008