Thursday, November 29, 2007

Skin Diseases in Women: Dermatoses Not Linked to Pregnancy.

Aggravating factors in acne vulgaris include heat, cosmetics, premenstrual hormone changes, and some medicaments.
Differential gear diagnoses. The calculation diagnoses of acne vulgaris include rosacea (presence of telangiectasia, erythema, and flushing), junction dermatitis (usually pruritic and scaly), and INSTANCE OFconstellation erythematosus (often photosensitive with epidermal wasting and follicular plugging).
Attention. Women often seek communicating to improve their work-clothing coming into court, as well as to prevent permanent scarring.
The communication of mild acne vulgaris consists of the use of keratolytic, bacteriostatic, and antiinflammatory agents–for occurrence, benzoyl oxide ( Clearasil, Clean & Innocence, Fostex ), erythromycin or clindamycin ( Cleocin ), and tretinoin.
For moderate acne vulgaris, an oral antibiotic is indicated.
Tetracycline is the antibiotic idiom of pick.
Oral tetracycline 500mg bid, or doxycycline ( Vibramycin ) 100mg bid, or minocycline ( Minocin ) 100mg daily may be used. Side effects include cutaneous volcanic eruption, gastrointestinal scrap, vaginal candidiasis, and photosensitivity (particularly with doxycycline and minocycline).
Alternative antibiotics include erythromycin 500mg bid.
Antibiotics are administered for prolonged periods, ranging from 3 months to 1 or more age.
For women who are taking an oral contraceptive (OC), a cyproterone-acetate (antiandrogen)-containing OC may be used.
The antiprogesterone effects of contraceptives containing high estrogens have also been used in women with perimenstrual acne flares.
In women who are already taking an OC, switching to a high-estrogen OC can help.
Cyproterone-containing contraceptives are sometimes more effective than those without cyproterone, but these contraceptives are not readily available in every administrative division.
The fundamental interaction between oral antibiotics (in component tetracycline and erythromycin) and OC is a anxiety to most physicians.
Conflicting reports have indicated that concomitant body of tetracycline and erythromycin may interfere with the contraceptive physical process of OCs.
There are no proper ascendance studies to sustenance this; however, most physicians advise their patients to use other contraceptive methods when taking tetracycline and erythromycin over the long-term.
For severe nodular-cystic acne vulgaris, oral isotretinoin ( Accutane ) may be indicated. However, isotretinoin is teratogenic and should be avoided in women of childbearing age unless strict contraceptive measures are undertaken.
The drug may also drive other side effects, including skin and mucosal dispassionateness, erythema, cheilitis, epistaxis, and alopecia.
Because the drug may induce hepatitis and hyperlipidemia, patients on isotretinoin should undergo periodic viscus social occasion examination and fasting rounder lipid monitoring.
A rise in somebody enzymes or in lipids indicates the need to discontinue the drug.
Many women seek management for scarring from untreated acne vulgaris.
This is a part of article Skin Diseases in Women: Dermatoses Not Linked to Pregnancy. Taken from "Generic Isotretinoin Accutane" Information Blog

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